Budgets Cuts

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Budgets Cuts

Budgets Cuts


Today's rapidly changing technological and business environment has given multiple benefits to businesses and changed the way of managing organizations (Sennewald, 2011). There is no doubt about the fact that modern way of management has allowed businesses to improve their ability to make decisions, plan, organize, lead and control organization in an efficient way, which actually leads an organization to meet its goals. It is a fact that success of every organization in today's competitive marketplace depends on the quality of human resource that it acquires. In fact, the importance of Correctional Managers in success of organizations cannot be denied as they play a vital role in providing leadership, management and administration to run the organization in a safe manner (Dalton, 2003).

Similarly, the role of security is also vital for the smooth operations of businesses. Correctional Managers' role is very influential in facilitating organizations to attain their business goals through the effective use of management theories. It is essential to know that managers mainly contribute in organization's success by employing management theories at all level of management including top, middle and first line with specific set of duties (Fay, 2010).


Challenges are natural or artificial elements that are used as physical protection measures to protect facilities or preventing or retarding certain areas generally intruders who are basically meant to cause damage or steal any materials, documents or information relevant to the installation , thus compromising its security. In most cases only meet the barriers function to retard access Intrusion to an area or facility allowing guard force can act time to detect and learn the intruder (Dalton, 2003). The only barriers preventing access intrusion in cases when they do not have the resources and training needed to pass these obstacles. Challenges to Correctional Managers can be classified as natural barriers, artificial barriers, and physical access.

Natural Barriers are represented or constituted by distinct natural features such as mountains, rivers, cliffs, deserts, etc. Normally natural barriers are not an efficient protective measure by itself, but usually need the support of human and artificial barriers represented by the security force to cause a maximum deterrent effect on attackers who intend to enter the facility for entries authorized, that is, when a facility is based on a river as a natural barrier for physical protection and the intruder has the resources and training necessary to cross the river, once achieved this objective is to facilitate access to the installation but artificial barriers exist to support human above the effect of the natural barrier (Pastor, 2006).

Artificial Barriers are represented by structural elements designed and built by man to prevent or delay the intruders from entering a facility or area, such as fences, walls or walls, guard towers or observation, etc. In many cases, these barriers can be supported barriers animals as dogs trained or alarm some devices that allow alert the guard force when there is the presence of intruders or have broken the barriers.

As far as Physical access is concerned, Correctional Managers should know ...
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