Education Budget Cut

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Education Budget Cut

Education Budget Cut


The major concern of non-governmental organizations, NGOs, who work with children and adolescents, Coordinator, CODENI, because the reforms to the general budget of the Republic, there is a reduction of 210 million Cordoba's which affects the quality of teaching, Roger says Toledo, an official of the civil organization. CODENI searches among its objectives, when the deputies to pass the education budget that are allocated 7 percent of gross domestic product, GDP, which implies $ 400 million for the education sector, he said. Toledo found that despite the fact that education does not pay tuition is not enough but it is necessary that the education sector has a greater allocation of resources, he said. Currently the budget for primary and secondary education even though their growth is lowers than in other countries with similar economies to Nicaragua. The budget is 3.7 percent of Gross Domestic Product, GDP, Toledo said (King, 2010).


Cutting the education category should not be regarded as a problem of economic crisis but must be seen as political. If poverty cannot be eradicated impoverished education, emphasized Toledo (Up2Us, 2009).

The researcher acknowledged that one of the factors that influence the education budget cut is small and is due to the requirements imposed by the International Monetary Fund, IMF, which seeks to reduce all areas related to social spending, he said. CODENI officer, Roger Toledo, said one of the measures suggested to not affect education spending should be directed to cut expenses that occur in the state with high wages and to reduce the internal debt as the case of the Negotiable Investment Certificates, CENIS affecting the education budget, he said.

He also said that international reserves can play resources for education and cooperation should be investing in that category, he says, as part of the solutions to the education crisis by budget cuts (Springer, 2006).

The CODENI acknowledged that progress was made in access and quality of education with the suspension of charges, no tolerance and humiliating punishments for students, repair and rehabilitation of research centers, school meals and reducing of illiteracy rates to 4.5 percent but there are still several challenges. Nicaragua has several commitments in education among which are the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals and the Convention on the Rights of the Child on education (Beane, 1997).

In education, there are 600 thousand children and youth who are not in the system, there are 500 thousand literate actions that require post-literacy, primary and secondary education and about 611 000 children and youth in community preschools, elementary age and multigame extra, secondary on Saturdays, Sundays and distance learning school for mature, demanding attention, special efforts and resources to overcome the many challenges they face, the statement of CODENI in relation to the challenges facing the education sector (King, 2010). 

The Nicaraguan Coordinating Federation of NGOs working with children and adolescents, CODENI proposes to form a Grand National Alliance for Education involving all social sectors in order to overcome and address the major challenges to ensure the right humane education, said ...
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