Budget Crisis On Education

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Budget Crisis on Education


Education has been considered as the most important factor of any nation's growth and prosperity. Most developed nations in today's world have undoubtedly achieved all the power and resources with the help of the education. Therefore, it can be said that a country must allocate a sufficient portion of its proposed budgeted amount for the education sector. this allocation will not only help the country to prepare the youth for future leadership, but it also shows that how much the country realizes the importance of education.

US has been the super power since a long time. Analysts believe that it all happened due to the powerful leadership and highly educated personnel in all the fields. People acquired higher education, excelled in their fields and served their country enabling their nation to stand out among the rest of the world. Recently, it has been observed that there are several budget cuts in education sector in the US. Critics are astonished over this step taken by the government. in their opinion, cutbacks in the education budget would ultimately cost to the bright future of the country.


Budget cuts in education, in an effort to reduce spending, are historically and economically, a dangerous answer to a budget crisis and will be a deciding factor in the future success of the country. In a time when education is all there is to separate the civilized from the uncivilized and the successful from the unsuccessful, American politicians are cutting education spending in an effort to protect the economic future of the United States. It is important to demonstrate that education is the cornerstone of this countries success. It is shortsighted thinking that seriously undermines the future competitive edge America may have as a world leader.

The United States has been a world leader for a long time. One of the most prominent factors that set the county apart from it competition, is the education of its leaders in politics and commerce. America's forefathers were, in many cases, of the highest education. Some of them were lawyers, doctors, and inventors. Like many of the former Presidents, Samuel Adams and John Hancock were both graduates of Harvard University. Donald Trump, a modern leader in commerce, graduated with a degree in economics from Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. These are only a few examples of influential people whose education helped them achieve success.

The idea of cutting education is a scary prospect. The world most successful societies can directly relate the innovation they push forward to the importance put on education. The Japanese lead in electronics through companies like Sony, and automobiles like Toyota. Some of the most advanced technologies are put into these products. This can be directly related to the importance of the countries education system.

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