British Airways Plc

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British Airways PLC


In order to understand and comprehend the civil aviation industry, it becomes extremely important and vital to assess the degree to which a company practically holding monopoly tends to influence the functionality and the ability to further continue its operations with sustainable, delivering outstanding performance. One such company rooting from the United Kingdom is the British Airways, which has been acknowledged for delivering royalty and outstanding performance, catering to masses on local, national and international levels. As a company, British Airways has managed to survive the odds, establishing itself as one amongst the most competitive organizations around the world. Employees and the resource working under its belt are largely and profoundly responsible for the current reputation and the performance that has been given and closed by a company as a team player. Considering the strategic and operational issues, multiple angles and factors have been highlighted, associated with brand reputation, debt funding, competition, economic conditions, fuel supply and even, under chronic situations, intervention of the government could also directly affect the performance of the company. However, with the company's consistent targeted approach and zealous determination, British Airways is bound to make progress and delivering performance with a broader customer portfolio and much strengthened relationship required for sustainability in the long-run.


British Airways PLC1


Company in Focus1

Strategic and Operational Issues3

Compete 20126


British Airways PLC


The Aviation Industry established and operating in the United Kingdom acts a vital asset to the country. Considering the world revolves around time-saving codes of conduct, the aviation industry grows threefold over the course of time. In the times ahead of us, not only have companies invested their efforts and skills in order to not only develop excellence, but also make way for the development and the establishment of a strong and constructive outcome.

Company in Focus

British Airways PLC is amongst the most important and the most constructive organizations to have served the economy of the United Kingdom and has also been flagged as an organization with international reputation in countries across the globe. British Airways has earned its reputation as one of the most prestigious air carriers to operate in host and guest countries (Abdi, Shavarini & Hoseini, 2006, pp.191).

In the times of today, keeping in consideration the post-operative conditions of the economy that have been downtrodden by the smash of the financial year 2007-2008, it becomes evident that British Airways, with all its national and international operations, broad customer portfolio and also developing its core competencies and absolute advantages that the company has managed to develop over the passage of time.

Established in the year 1974, the company has excelled with flying colours, providing the country with an efficient, sustainable and a socially responsible organization that has been able to stand forth the issues and the problems that are being felt and experienced in the future that lies ahead (Ahlstrom, 2004, pp.545).

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