Breast Cancer

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Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

What Is Breast Cancer?

Cancer is bad tissue - normal tissue cells, which grow much. Our tissue cells grow and split into two cells daugtehr. Old cells are killed and thrown away. When cells can not control their growth, they will share in the crazy and fast way, when this happens the tumor shape.

Benign tumors, fibrocystic breast disease, not cancer. Cancer, tumors and spread to damage to healthy tissue. Some issues are also available through the veins, creating a new tumor throughout the body. Cancerus tumors make thir own radicals, making cells reproduccion faster. Early detection is the best against breast cancer.

Why Did You Get It?

All women who have a history of breast cancer in the family at risk for breast cancer itself. And the older a person becomes easier to get breast cancer.

How do I stop this? All women over age 20 have a monthly self-exams. Women over age 40 have an annual exam with a doctor and a mammogram every 2 years. Women over age 50 have annual mammograms.


Antioxidants are the best defense against cancer because:

(1) They destroy the cancer-causing tumors

(2) They support our immune system, helping him find and destroy the bad cells before they turn into cancer, and

(3) They reduce the risk of breast cancer proliferation.

How The Disease Affects The Body?

Pain is not a symptom of early breast cancer. While the breasts and nipples may be affected, and to be noticeable. There may be a lump, nipple discharge, ripples or puckering of breast tissue and nipple tissue scale. This is only part of the body that is affected before the start of treatment, but if the cancer spreads other parts of the body may be affected(Lacroix, 2006).

Breast cancer can have a big impact on the body after treatment, particularly radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy can cause a person to feel sick, feel tired, have a red, sunburned or itchy skin, blocked ears, abdominal pain or diarrhea, weak bladder and sexual or fertility problems. Chemotherapy also has many side effects that affect the body, including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, hair thinning or loss, menopausal symptoms, weight gain or loss, and there are lots of different emotional feelings. After the chemotherapy you are taking a pill called Tamoxifen for 2 to 4 years. Tamoxifen can cause hot flushes / sweats, vaginal irritation, and irregular menstrual periods (Keydar, 1979).

How widespread the disease and the groups most affected by this:

Breast ...
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