Is Prevention always Better than Cure? Discuss-about Breast Cancer Screening
Is Prevention always Better than Cure? Discuss-about Breast Cancer Screening
Breast cancer is the most widespread pattern of malignant infection amidst women, influencing one in every 10 women in the United States. It comprises the second premier origin of death by a malignant infection in women after lung cancer, and asserted forty-thousand inhabits in the United States in 2002, as asserted by the American Cancer Society(Smith 2005:4).
The incident of breast cancer is very uncommon before age 20 and is seldom identified in women junior than age twenty-five. Past that age, the incidence increases gradually to come to a top round the age of menopause. The rate of boost is lessened after menopause, but older women are still at expanding risk over time. About one in eight women in the United States and Canada will evolve breast cancer. This incidence is alike for numerous European countries. However, breast cancer is much less widespread in Asia. (Skinner 2004:12)The incidence rate for breast cancer increased twenty-four per hundred in the United States between 1973 and 2001, while death from breast cancer did not increase. In supplement, more localized cancers were identified over time. These statistics show that screening for breast cancer, encompassing mammography performed a function in noticing more cancers at a previous stage (National Cancer Institute 2).
Doctors will not interpret why one woman gets breast cancer and another one doesn't. It is clear although, that breast cancer is not initiated by bumping, bruising, or moving the breast. It is not contagious and no one can apprehend breast cancer from another person. Although researchers manage not understand precisely why breast cancer evolves, they manage understand some things boost a woman's possibilities of getting the disease. The first is age. About seventy-five per hundred of all breast cancers are discovered in women over the age of fifty. The infection is uncommon in women under the age of thirty. Second is family history. The risk of getting breast cancer raises for a woman whose mother, sister or female child has had the infection before she come to menopause. The third is individual history. About fifteen per hundred of women treated for cancer in one breast are probable to get cancer in the other breast subsequent on. Fourth are the genes BRAC1 and BRAC2. (Saslow 2004: 44)The incidence of the BRCA1 gene on chromosome seventeen may be one in eight-hundred women. The BRCA2 gene on chromosome thirteen is less common but affiliated with early onset breast carcinomas. Carcinoma is the cancer that beings in the coating or covering tissues of an organ. The occurrence of these genes may interpret some of the familial situations and may be the etiology for about one per hundred of breast cancers overall.
There is a very high significance in early detection of breast cancer. It can be treated best before it has spread. Plus, the previous breast cancer is discovered and treated; the better a woman's possibilities are ...