Brand Opportunities For Mcdonald's

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Brand Opportunities for McDonald's

Brand Opportunities for McDonald's


Expansion is one of the most important stages of development. The reason behind this is that until and unless a brand decides to take the next big step, it can never expect to achieve the ultimate growth mentioned in its vision (Eivani, Nazari & Emami, 2013).

McDonald's is one such brand which is popularly known throughout the world for practically implementing the rule of limitless expansion and growth with no barriers to its success. In order to better understand about the importance of growth for any brand, and the appropriate methods used for such growth executions; an in depth discussion with relevance to practical examples is required.


Selection of Brand and Identification of Characteristics

McDonald's has a renowned name in the fast food industry throughout the world. Moreover, the success of the brand is not merely a miracle but is a result of indefinite amount of efforts made on the development of its brand in almost every nook and corner of the world (Kowitt, 2012).

Before making any propositions relevant to expansion of a brand, it is indeed necessary to understand about the existing characteristics of the brand. As far as McDonald's is concerned, a number of characteristics could be associated with the brand's existence.

The following characteristics of McDonald's brand image make a huge difference in the level of acceptance that it has succeeded in achieving throughout the different parts of the world:

A Happy Place to Be At

McDonald's has always promoted itself as a brand which brings happiness to the world. Due to this mere reason, the employees of McDonald's are also specially trained to treat customers in a way that makes them feel like they are in a wondrous place (Kincheloe, 2011).

Standardized High Quality of Food

Throughout the world, wherever McDonald's customer exists, one thing that they can provide ...
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