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Swot Analysis On Mcdonald's

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SWOT Analysis on McDonald's

SWOT Analysis on McDonald's


The first McDonald's outlet was opened by brothers McDonald's in 1948. At that time, it became the first local franchise in the history of fast food in San Bernardino, California (USA). It offers fast food, which is prepared and serves at high speed. There is no doubt that the basis of their success was to replace the conventional dishes used in the rest of restaurants. After some time, they reached a high level of sales although their menu was limited, but they kept growing. As a result, in 1955, Ray Croc opened the first store of the Corporation (Kincheloe, 2002). During 50s and 60s, the management team of Ray Kroc established the successful philosophy of the system of the company which indentified four factors that were Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value. While McDonald's offers its customers a standard menu in all its premises, it is even noticeable that these menus are combined with distinctive products, which are developed in each culture depending on the tastes.


Mc Donald turns to be the best brand worldwide. It has always listened to customers and continued building its brand strategies. The positive brand personality gives Mc Donald highest success in fast food chains. Mc Donald performs in a consistent way that means it provides customer satisfaction throughout. It has always provided best marketing and advertising campaigns. The color, design, images are the positive feature of the brand that has always attracted families towards it. The Golden Arches is the familiar logo of the Mc Donald. Mc Donald has always given tough competition to its rivals (Gilbert, 2008).

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is used to determine the reasons for success or failure of the company in the market, this is a brief analysis of marketing information based on which it is concluded, in what direction the organization should develop its business and is ultimately determined by the allocation of resources to segments (Pahl, 2009). The result of the analysis is used to develop marketing strategies or hypotheses for further testing.


Strengths are the characteristics of a firm which gives it advantages over others in the industry. Strengths may include competencies, availability of sufficient financial resources, the existence of good competitive skills, good reputation among consumers, recognition of being a leader in the enterprise market, the presence of well-conceived business strategies in this field etc.

McDonald's enjoy a strong brand position in the fast ...
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