Blended Families

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Blended Families

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In the context of the contemporary global social environment, the phenomenon of multiple marriages and non married parents has increased drastically. The primary reason for these developments can be attributed to the popular growing trend of self-centered and independent perspective of the majority of the population. In this environment the individuals are open to developing flexible and dynamic married roles, where they the concept of blended families emerges. In the traditional perspective the nuclear family was considered as a highly standardized and relatively universal concept, however in the context of the recent global social environment the individuals have been proactive to assume dynamic married roles. In the phenomenon of blended families there exits parents and children who do not possess the traditional biological link, rather the relationships are formed by the social label in the society. The concept of blended family is very comprehensive and complex in nature where there are multiple significant factors. In the family entity which included the participation of several step relatives, the parents have to ensure that the adequate environment is maintained to develop a unified family unit.

Blended Families


In the concept of blended families there are several significant factors which have to be critically analyzed, in order to comprehensive understand this phenomenon. Firstly it is important to note that the modern blended family concept is a recent development in the world society, based on the increasing trend of individual to engage in multiple marriages. When people decide to remarry, they generally also have to incorporate their relative children in the newly formed family unit, and thus a new family entity is created. The traditional family unit itself consists of several challenges and dilemmas for the parents to consider, however in the case of blended families the challenges are exaggerated (Ginther & Pollak, 2004). In this scenario where a new family unit is created consisting of several non blood related members, it is the role of the parents to ensure that the children can adequately adjust to the new family entity and challenges are resolved. The biggest issue in the concept of blended families is the biased and differentiated treatment of the respective parents in reference to the children (Braithwaite et Al, 2001). Hence the parents have to critically analyze their family attributes and plan accordingly, before they proceed to formulate the blended family entity.


Origin of the Issue

As mentioned the concept of the blended family, is a fairly recent phenomenon and has originated by the recent social trends. In the modern developed western culture marriage is considered as a highly personal and individual entity, which can be created or halted by the relevant couple. In the traditional perspective marriage was considered to be a relatively permanent concept, and the parents seeked to remain married even in the face of numerous dilemmas. However in the current society the legal and regulatory authorities have ensured that any individual who does not seek to remain in the institution of marriage, is not forced to ...
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