Blended Families

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Blended Families

Ever since I was a child I knew that I wanted to be an Architect. It all began with Legos from which I used to form building and different structures whenever I had time. My parents never discouraged this hobby of mine; in fact, they appreciated my talent and brought me loads of Legos. My grandmother is a professional artist and she was the one behind discovering this talent of mine. With the passage of time she polished my skills and talent, being the very reason for providing a sharp focus on my future career. Every other toy or gadget that was given to me as a gift became a part of my accessories. When I used to play Legos with my dad, I realized that this was just not a game to him. Although he was a civil engineer but, he wanted to be an architect and this reflected in the way he appreciated every structure I built with my Legos. However, he did not have had a chance to put his dreams into a reality; thus, I did not want to regret the time like my dad and decided to pursue my career in architecture.

I have been nurturing, this need of creating different structures by drawing and sculpting as a hobby. Similarly, I have a great interest in mathematics and logic, knowing that these two serve as the integral part of anything that we decide to create. Moreover, I have an artistic view through which I can develop unique designs of building and houses and with this aesthetic sense of mine; I believe I can excel in the field of modern architecture.

I had a firm belief in my desire to be a renowned architect, and that someday, I would be creating such structure in which people would be ...
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