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Executive Summary

BlackBerry smartphones are wireless handheld devices that, through constant innovation in the field of communications technology, revolutionized the way consumers communicated with each other. Although initially developed as a two-way pager in 1999, RIM realized the massive potential for improvement and improvised, in the process redefining their smartphones. Today, Blackberry manufacturers, RIM, are confronted with a plethora of problems such as dwindling market shares across the globe, falling revenues in all major markets, and failure to keep up with competitors on the road towards greater technological innovation and advancement. This paper assesses the current market for Blackberry devices by conducting a situation analysis. It then conducts a SWOT analysis which essentially assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the company and compares them with those of its major competitors, also identifying the opportunities and threats that the company may face in its strategy to re-establish itself as a market-leading brand in smartphones. Marketing strategies and implementation approach needed to achieve established marketing objectives are also outlined in the paper.

Black Berry

Situation Analysis

Until the first decade of the 21st century, Blackberry had maintained the ideal marketing mix to establish and retain a strong presence in the global smartphones markets. Blackberry focused on designing devices that used cutting edge technology, were aesthetically pleasing, and hosted an array of unique and highly-coveted BBM services that, when combined, provided the company with the edge needed to maintain a major share of the global smartphones market (Leiblein & Miller, 2003, p. 841). However, Blackberry's fall from the top of the food chain has been almost poetically tragic. Numerous factors have played a hand in Blackberry's fall, some of which are internal factors, while others are largely external. These are highlighted below:

Internal factors

Failure of R&D to keep up with the pace of technological innovation (faster and better connectivity, the unending megapixel race, AMOLED/ICS displays, processing power etc.) (Leiblein & Miller, 2003, p. 841)

Lack of improvisation and imagination on the part of interface and device developers (operating system, interface etc.) (Crowston & Myers, 2004, p. 25)

Failure of marketing analysts to foresee changes in trends, particularly in terms of consumer behaviour

Mediocre after-sales customer care

External Factors

Emergence of better designed smartphones (Grewal, 2009)

Faster technological innovation of competitors (Aubert et al., 2005, p. 10)

Rising popularity of Android and iOS

SWOT Analysis

RIM faces competition from companies in the electronics and mobile industries. The following companies are the major competitors of Research In Motion Limited:

Motorola, Inc.

Nokia Corporation

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Apple Inc.

Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

HTC Corporation

LG Electronics, Inc.

Since iPhone is the major competitor of Blackberry on the international stage, this paper will conduct a SWOT analysis between the two companies. The following results were derived from the study:

BlackBerry SWOT

S (Strength)

Inarguably the biggest strengths of Blackberry are its brand image and massive consumer base. Blackberry devices still have one of the best images for mobiles phones in the market. They are designed as diverse business products for a larger customer base with a range of out-of-the-box services. As a result, the brand is still the preferred choice ...
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