Birth Control Availability And Sexual Promiscuity Among

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Birth control availability and sexual promiscuity among

Birth control availability and sexual promiscuity among teenagers

Birth control availability and sexual promiscuity among teenagers is a topic that has been of much interest of the researchers in the recent past. The issue can be dated back to the 1970s when teen sexual activity was increasingly becoming common, and teen pregnancy was a national social problem (Dailard & Richardson, 2005, pp.6-11). A lot of teenagers engage in the sexual activity before marriage which was not seen in society previously. Sexual promiscuity is something that is commonly depicted in media. Teenagers engage in sexual activity and it sometimes lead to pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases as they do not use the protection. The research will try to find the relation between sexual promiscuity and birth control. It will try to gauge the responsibility that teenagers have on them as members of the society. Teenage, as well as being a period of adaptation to bodily changes, is a decisive phase of evolution towards more psychological independence, is the stage where the individual develops their creativity, their individuality, their skills, sets goals and projects life and where sexuality is one of the major concerns of these transformations (Mann, 2010)

The starting point of this research will look at the secondary sources of data that will give a trend of the population characteristics that have engaged in these acts of casual sex. Secondary data gives the data of the hospitals that have had deliveries of teenagers. This gives the sample that should be used for the research. It will be my job to narrow down that data to the teenagers that have been pregnant due to marriage or mutual consent of their partner. The teenager who usually gets pregnant due to promiscuous behavior goes for birth control. It is imperative that abortion is not an option that every person can opt for, and so is the option of giving birth to an illegitimate child.

The past studies can also give an idea of how many teenagers that have taken birth control pills or used protection in their or after their sexual encounters. Every person has different reasons to engage in sexual activities. It could be due to the growing culture that is shown in media, or peer pressure. Not every teenager is comfortable discussing birth control with their parents due to fear of the negative consequences. Do the parents know about the activities of their kids, and do children share any of the mistakes they make with their parents? The main motivation behind this research is to find the relation that exists between the casual sex and birth control. Do the girls access birth control facilities after they get into sexual contact? Birth control is an important factor that needs to be understood in order to be able to effectively identify the consequences of casual sex.

The study will be carried out by employing the qualitative methodology. In order to find precise results both the primary and secondary data ...
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