Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy


Sexual desires can be mind-boggling to young people, but a problem for parents. The outcome for the choices we make in our sexual behaviors can have far reaching effects. Some of the consequences are positive and some are negative, even implicitly life-threatening. Planning a pregnancy with a partner to whom one is committed, and then conceiving a child, is generally a positive consequence. Conceiving a child as a result of having sex with someone who is not a lifetime partner is likely to have very negative impact (Henshaw, 2006). Sexuality and the rules associated with it diversify from individual to individual, from culture to culture, and across time periods throughout history.

Teen pregnancy is an exhausting feeling for most teens and their parents. The pregnancy doesn't just happen while you're having fun, but that many poor teenage girls become pregnant on intent, as the best way they see for achieving love and security. Today, we face many moral dilemmas but all of them are virtually impossible to solve. One of the most strenuous and debatable issues that we are faced with is abortion.

Main Body

There are many strong arguments both for and against the right to have an abortion. The dilemma of this issue lies in the different aspects of the debate. There are also issues of what basis would justify abortion (Morris, 2005). Since, the issue of abortion is virtually impossible to solve, all we can hope to do is understand the different aspects of the argument so that if he or she is faced with that issue in their own lives, they would be able to make educated and pondering decisions in dealing with it. The concept of human rights, that is to say, what people dictates as human rights, conflicts heavily with itself. On one hand, we form an abstract and ponderous opinion on one's right to life. On the other, we hold an evenly strong opinion on one's freedom to live that life as they please. This varies from culture to culture. American society has by and large has a firm belief in the individual life to live as they please (Alan, 2003).

This society also holds the firm belief in one's right to the power of his or her own body, equal to that of one's right to live. The difficulty in this dilemma lies within the question of whether or not an abortion falls into a category of preservation of a woman's right's over the sovereignty of her own body, or whether it falls into a different category of an action which is not permissible because, according to some people, the fetus is a person whose life and freedom is being compromised.

The question of rights is further complicated by the different circumstances where the abortion issue could be raised. Many people would argue that abortion should not be used as birth control or as a medium to deal with the consequences of promiscuous sex.

However, how does one address the abortion issue ...
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