Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder is a psychological disease in which patient experiences episodic periods of mood elation and depression. This process may be quick alternating with mania and depression. Being long-term illness it affects all aspects of an individual's life, including daily routine, bodily health, employment goals, inter-human relationships and other community and divine problems. Bipolar disorder is associated with intermittent deterioration and improvement which requires long term treatment with medications and psychological interventions. It is also known as manic depression or bipolar affective disorder.



Bipolar disorder is usually not recognized by the patient, relatives, friends, or even physicians. In the early stage of the disease, hypomania occurs which is characterized by high level of vigor, excessive sulkiness or irritability and hasty and uncontrolled behavior. The person during hypomania feels well and denies any mood swings which at a later stage are seen by family members or friends. Bipolar disorder, in its initial stage, shows up as an issue or a problem and not as psychological disease. For instance it may manifest as alcohol or drug misuse, or poor school or job performance. The disorder may end up with full-fledged manic and depressive episodes if left untreated.

Life Style and Bipolar Disorder

The association between life style and bipolar disorder has been maintained by a number of research studies. Medication compliance has a direct role to play on the effects of stressful life in such patients. In case of a serious event which disrupts the lifestyle in bipolar patient, there is always a possibility that the patient does not comply with prescribed medication. Such issues with compliance are likely to intervene the brunt of psychological milieu on end result. Prominent rates of life dealings have been observed in stages immediately before the beginning of occurrences relative to other phases in the life of these persons. Certain types of life stresses may be of value in evaluation of bipolar patients over a period of time which include experiences that upset plans, augment or restrain activities commitment and over sensitization due to repeated history.

Misconceptions about Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder has substantial impact on the life of the patient. The sufferer can lead a normal life even with the disease but after its careful management and control which is brought about by medicines, psychotherapy and various measures recommended by the clinician.

Certain misconceptions are linked to bipolar disorder in the domain of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Some of these are listed below:



Patient causes BPD

Caused by genetic and biological dysfunction and certain environmental factors

Patient's will power is enough for recovery and there is no need for treatment

Can only be treated with medicines and psychotherapy

Patient will never be normal

Patient ultimately becomes normal but it requires patience and long term therapy

Easy to diagnose

Difficult to diagnose on first visit even for a chronic case

Medical treatment is worse than BPD

Medication is the key for treating BPD

Two interventions facilitating independence

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