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Y Chromosomes

In both sexes


Form Benign tumors

Make proteins

Produce DNA


Infection will be fatal

Increased number of T-cells


Neutral chemicals

Ionic bonds

When there is not enough iron in the diet

Sex linked generic disorder

Always express in females

The infant is born with only one lung

Deceased ADH


Into the cells



Increased metabolism

None of the above


Plasma pH will be low

Metabolic acidosis

Stromal adhesion


Cancer of the red bone marrow

None of the above


ACTH deficiency



Chronic immunity

Mast cells

All of the above

Found on leucocytes

Lack of antigens



Chest x-rays

Killer T-cells


Air borne


None of the above

All of the above

There is no need for alarm


Graves disease

Graves' sickness is an immune system turmoil that accelerates over action of the thyroid organ hyperthyroidism. The thyroid organ is a paramount organ of the endocrine framework. The control of metabolism is basic for controlling mind-set, weight and level of physical and mental vigor.


Myxedema is an infection portrayed by a change of the tissues is described by edema (liquid amassing) initiated by lacking generation of thyroid hormones by the thyroid organ. The part of thyroid hormones is to control metabolism. The myxedema is connected with different indications of underactive thyroid, likewise called hypothyroidism.

The point when there is an absence of insulin and the form can not utilize glucose as a wellspring of vigor, energy units utilizing different intends to administer its operation. One elective is considered utilizing fat stores for the vigor they need. In any case, the final consequence of this process prompts the gathering of alleged ketone figures, substances that stop blood harsh corrosive, or with a ph lower than typical. This sharpness is greatly unfavorable to the form, on the grounds that to the vast majority of the synthetic responses that happen each second in our cells hinges on upon an extremely thin go of ph. This implies that the level of sharpness can not change excessively.

Cushing's syndrome is initiated by unreasonable cortisol constant called 'anxiety hormone', which can cause heftiness, changes in the skin, hypertension, psychic clutters, osteoporosis, et cetera.

Addison's malady is an extraordinary condition that influences the adrenal organs. This condition influences 1-4 individuals for every 100,000 in the Uk and around 4-6 individuals for every 100,000 in the United States of America. The normal age at analysis is around 40 years. Despite the fact that men and ladies may be influenced, there is a prevalence of mellow event around females.

Sertoli cell

Is a particular cell type, which is part of the tissue of the somniferous tubule. The Sertoli cell number is defined during embryonic development so in adult testis not undergo mitosis.This cell was originally described in 1865 by the Italian physiologist Enrico Sertoli, who identified them as individual elements extending from the basement membrane to the lumen of the somniferous tubule in association with germ cell groups.


The psuedogynecomastia is a condition that is often confused with gynecomastia. When men know they have a chubby chest compared chiseled chest they want, probably the first thing that comes to mind is gynecomastia. The problem with this kind of self-examination is not all plump ...
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