Bioethics And Christian Life

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Bioethics and Christian Life

Table of Contents



The Significance of Baptism3

The Bodiliness of Human Persons4

God's Loving Will and Absolute Moral Norms6

The Christian Meaning of Suffering7



Bioethics and Christian Life


Bioethics is the branch of ethics that is dedicated to providing the correct principles for human behavior over the life of both human life and the non-human life (animal and plant) and the environment in which to be acceptable conditions for life. In this research paper examines the primary issue of bioethics and how reflects in Christian life. Abortion, Baptism and bodiliness of human persons are included in this research paper.


The following major themes central to his Christian bioethics: (1) the significance of baptism, (2) the bodiliness of human persons, (3) God loves will and absolute moral norms, and (4) the Christian meaning of suffering, which I consider along with God, not science or medical progress, is our savior.

The Significance of Baptism

In presenting the Christian vision that sets forth background beliefs that make his work truly “a primer for Christians”. The act of baptism is a “deeply individualizing act” precisely because what makes us true individuals is that God calls us each by name. It also brings us into the community of the church. This makes it impossible to exist in community with God apart from our bond with all the baptized, whose burdens we are to share as they share ours. Moreover, “because every person is made for God, no one is—to the whole extent of his or her being—simply a member of any human community”).This core belief, eloquently expressed is central to any Christian bioethics. the solidarity of the human community is front and center: no man is an island, and we are all in some way related to all other human persons who are loved by the Triune God who wills that all men be saved and calls all men to holiness. This is illustrated in the research on suicide and euthanasia, human solidarity as one reason for rejecting euthanasia or mercy killing. The other and more specifically Christian reason for rejecting such killing is that “if my life is not simply my possession for me to dispose of as I see fit .The same is true of the lives of others. I have no authority to act as if I exercised lordship over another's life. Hence Christians should not request or cooperate in either assisted suicide or euthanasia”. Earlier, in rejecting suicide.Suicide as a rational project expresses a desire to be only free and not finite—a desire to be more likes Creator than creature” (Drunen, 2009).

The Bodiliness of Human Persons

It is truth that all living members of the human species are persons, and not only those with exercisable properties of thinking, communicating, awareness, and such. Many people today accept the dualistic view that a living human being is one thing, a person another; they recognize that senile old people (or unborn babies, or newborns, or “handicapped” individuals) are living human beings but deny that they are ...
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