Bill Of Rights

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Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights

First Amendment protects right of freedom of expression and religion

What rights does this amendment guarantee or protect?

The First Amendment ensures the privileges of each American. It describes the flexibilities of religion, talk, and press. Most Americans accept that the First Amendment ensures their above all imperative rights. Each citizen has the right to appeal against the government in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America.

Explain why this amendment was added to the Constitution. What were the historical events that motivated the inclusion of this amendment to the Constitution?

There are numerous explanations that this revision was added to the constitution. To start with, settlers basically came to America on the grounds that they were looking for the flexibility to practice whatever religion that they needed. Furthermore, colonists went to war with the British on the grounds that they had a feeling that they didn't have any response opposite British assessments be collected opposite them on the grounds that they had no representation.

What demonstrated problem or problems does this amendment address? Is this issue addressed in any laws or the current Constitution? If they are than why is this amendment needed?

It addresses the problem of the state enforcing religion over people as it separates the church from the state. The freedom of expression allows people to practice their religion freely. The Amendment is needed to make sure that the freedom of expression does not violate any other law.


White, G. E. (1996). First Amendment Comes of Age: The Emergence of Free Speech in Twentieth-Century America,

Discuss three pros and three cons of this amendment.


Media has the right to report significant information to the public even if it's protected by the agencies.

People have a right to speak about their view in public.

The government can be criticized without fear of any retaliation.


Freedom of speech can conflict with other rights. People can say whatever they want, and it can be offensive for some people.

Media can put too much pressure on key cases like the O.J Simpson case, and the court could be pressured into making a quick decision.

Anyone can publish anything, and legal action would not be taken unless it is a violation of a law.

The Second Amendment & the rights to bear arms

What rights does this amendment guarantee or protect?

The Second Amendment gives the American citizens the right to posses or bear arms, and ammunitions.

Explain why this amendment was added to the Constitution. What were the historical events that motivated the inclusion of this amendment to the Constitution?

James Madison initially recommended the Second Amendment not long after the Constitution was formally approved as a path to furnish progressively power to state local armies, which today are thought about the National Guard. It was considered a tradeoff between Federalists; those who backed the Constitution as it was sanctioned, and the against Federalists; those who backed states having progressively control.


Lund, N. (2009). The Second Amendment, Heller, and Originalist ...
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