Benefits Of Oh&S

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Benefits of OH&S


In this study we have explored the crucial topic i.e. benefits to industry of abiding with the rules and regulations of Occupational Health & Safety in a detailed manner. We have investigated the rules and regulations of Occupational Health & Safety and have discussed the benefits of abiding these rules and regulations. The study revealed that there are positive impacts of abiding the rules and regulations of Occupational Health & Safety and the industry can get benefits in a number of aspects. Finally, the paper ends with a detailed conclusion drawn from the findings of the discussion section of the paper.

Benefits of OH&S


Many organizations implement a system for managing health and safety at work (OHSMS) as part of its risk management strategy to adapt to legislative changes and protect their workforce. A system of managing health and safety at work (OHSMS) promotes safe work environments and healthy by providing a framework that allows the organization to identify and control its health and safety risks, reduce the potential for accidents, support enforcement and improve overall performance (Gadd and Collins 2002, p. 18).

OHSAS 18001 is the internationally recognized assessment specification for systems management health and safety at work. A selection of leading trade bodies, international certification standards and are designed to cover the gaps where there is no international standard certified by an independent third party. OHSAS 18001 is designed to be compatible with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in order to help organizations effectively meet their obligations relating to health and safety.


Health and safety at work is a very broad discipline that spans multiple specialized fields. In its most general sense, should aim to:

A.The promotion and maintenance of the highest possible degree of physical, mental and social workers, whatever their occupation;

B.The prevention among workers of the negative consequences that their working conditions can have on health;

C.Protection of workers in their place of employment from risks which may result negative factors for health;

D.Placement and maintenance workers in a work environment tailored to their physical or mental;

E.Adapting work activity to humans.

In other words, the health and safety encompasses the social, mental and physical labor, i.e., "whole person". To practice in health and safety at work to get these goals are necessary collaboration and participation of employers and workers in health and safety programs, and should take into account various issues related to occupational medicine, industrial hygiene, toxicology, training, technical safety, ergonomics, psychology, etc.

Often, less attention is paid to occupational health problems to job security because it is usually more difficult to resolve those. However, when addressing the issue of health, also addresses the security, because, by definition, a healthy workplace is also a safe workplace (Askenazy 2001, p. 98). Instead, it may not be true in reverse, for a safe workplace is not necessarily considered also a healthy workplace. The important thing is to be addressed in every workplace health issues and safety. In general terms, the definition of occupational health and safety that we have covered both health and ...
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