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“Benchmark Assessment - ”

Benchmark Assessment

Accommodation and Modification of the Lesson Plan

Brief Description of the Target Student

The student, who was selected for the implementation of the lesson plan, is named as Jim Smith. Jim is a 12 years old student, who is currently studying in grade six.

Jim is principally suffering from blindness. He is a born blind and also possess a bit of cognitive deficiency. However, it has been 8 years that Jim is studying and is managing really well as per his physical and psychological abilities.

Areas of Strengths and Weaknesses

Jim is though a quite bright student, however, because of his disability; he is unable to cope in every subject area. Nevertheless, the core strength of Jim is Mathematics, Logic and Science; whereas, his weaknesses includes Linguistics and Literature. There is no doubt that Jim is an intelligent student, but it is observed that he find difficulties in managing subjects, which require extensive readings or understanding of extended sentences. However, in short, precise and accuracy learning - i.e. mathematics and logic - he is significantly bright.

Student's Preferred Modalities of Learning

As Jim is suffering from visual impairments, therefore, his most preferred modalities of learning includes Auditory Learning and tactile Learning (Sparks & Lovett, 2009). However, he is taught through brail system but he is more eager to learn through auditory lectures, with an incorporation of tactile learning - i.e. hands on the project.

Learning Objective for the Targeted Student

An appropriate learning objective for Jim is that to enhance his understanding of the phenomenon and notion of the world. Since he is a blind child, who has never observed but only heard or felt about the phenomena of the world, therefore, the learning objective is to enhance its knowledge and understanding of the marvels and occurrences around him.

Activity/Assignment that Matches his Objectives

While selecting the activity for Jim to fulfill his learning objectives, it is also essential to keep in mind his cognitive abilities. As he is unable to see, therefore, the assignment should be of a kind that would not challenge his disability and cognitive threshold (Crim, et al. 2008). Thus, it is derived that computerized text to speech system should be implemented, which would help Jim in overcoming his weaknesses - i.e. Linguistics and Literature - more effective because previously he was studying through brail system, which is quite challenging in context of literature and linguistics.

Assessment of the Activity/Assignment

This activity has incorporated a rather modern technological equipment to make learning more effective for students suffering from visual impairments. Initially, Jim is taught through brail system, which is quite effort-taking and difficult in literary courses. However, this activity incorporated computerized text to speech system to make learning easy for Jim and meet his learning objectives. This adaptation of computer would not only provide him access to technological equipment and gradually reduces his technological fear, but also makes it easy for him to understand and take interest in the subject areas, which are considerably his weaknesses - ...
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