Being A Strategic Leader

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Being a strategic leader

Being a Strategic Leader


The human resource is the essential foundation of any organization. Among these resources is one that is scarce and very valuable: the leaders. Large and complex organisms consist of intricate ramifications of advisers and operational components, these components interact with each other and with external institutions. A strategic leader is an individual who has responsibility for leadership in the organization and also is responsible for the relationships within it and with other organizations within its external environment (Politis, 2001, 354). Strategic leaders and above (organizational) should develop the desired future for the organization's (vision) and then direct all the internal energy and influence external organizations to drive and realize the vision. Then the leader's strategic environment is ex complexities and internal triples directly and indirectly affect the structure of the organization, its operations and resource allocation.

The dynamics of changes in international coalitions, changes in public opinion, rapid advances in technology, the election of new governments, the fluctuation in the budget, and the evolution of new missions, are challenges that hamper the performance of strategic leaders of the organization. Strategic Leadership is the process used by a leader to achieve a clear strategic vision and understood, through the influence of organizational culture, resource allocation, and achieving consensus in an environment characterized by: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. This environment is marked by opportunities and threats.

Impact of Organizational Cultural and Values on Strategic Leadership

Organizational values define what is considered important in the organization. They are an indicator of organizational culture and a key category that determines success, job satisfaction and professional prestige. For any leader will end in failure attempt to lead the organization without the knowledge of values and value orientations of employees. Ascribe values to the staff of the main goals of the organization, tasks, tools, symbols and signs of prestige. The formation of any organization begins with the definition of basic values (SITAR, 2003, 39). They are designed to combine the ideas of the founders of the organization to the individual needs and interests of employees. Organizational values has huge impact on leadership as they give direction to leaders, it gives them what way to take organization. Shared organizational values ??affect strategic leadership in three key areas, provide a stable base (guide) on which decisions are made and actions are executed, are an integral part of the value proposition of an organization and staff and clients, motivate and energize staff to give their utmost for the welfare of your company. This creates a source of competitive advantage that is difficult to replicate because it is based on Eigen values ??and unique organization.

Cultural forms enable leaders to transmit messages about desirable culture to influence thinking and ways of behaving (SHEA, 1999, 375). There is a strong relationship between leadership and organizational culture. Without strategic leadership, modern, spreading, the organization will not be able to achieve an organizational culture that allows organization to adapt its behaviour to meet the needs ...
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