An education program is a program designed by the ministry of education, determining the content and learning of formal education. The programs may include literature, methodology, and guidelines for testing students for the subjects. The exercise under consideration is a “Group coloring assignment” for the Medical organizational Behavior class in their Bachelor level.Detailed description of what is required
The Activity “Group coloring assignment” requires a group of 4 - 5 students to have a look at a colored picture, and then to color their own pictures (10) within a given amount of time, sharing limited colors, which are not enough for the group. The picture that is not entirely colored is not considered, and the group with the most pictures colored is the winners. The fun part of the activity is that it puts into place a number of factors that hinder the productivity of the group. Some of these factors may include turning off the lights, switching team members (reflecting medical-organizational happenings as in a member leaving the company), the moderator telling one of the team member (confidentially) not to work and create confusion (intentionally), as so on.Knowledge that would be gained by or behavior changes would occur in a person
The exercise is especially designed to replicate situations and instance that are and can be faced in a medical organization. The coloring task represents the goals of the medical organization which are to be grasped by working together with all the departments (in the form of teams). When team members are swapped, it represents the dynamic nature of the medical organizations that show that teams are formed, and they break as members leave the medical organizations, while others come. In addition to this, there are always some who would not work, and discourage others to work either. ...