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Business-To-Business Marketing Assignment

Business-To-Business Marketing Assignment


The paper aims to critically analyze the fact that business-to-business services and products are quite different to business-to-consumer. The paper explains the features of both the marketing aspects along with their differences. Moreover, the marketing aspects are also discussed with respect to the case study provided. Modern marketing in terms of destination of the product has identified two segments i.e. B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer). From the market perspective, the basic difference is the nature and destination of the goods. From the point of view of psychology, consumer behaviour, the underlying purchase decisions, the most important difference lies in the motivation of purchase. However, the recipient of their products is e a particular structure - such as a business. And that's what it needs, behaviours and attitudes are determined the success or failure of products for both B2B and B2C. The main difference between the goods needed to satisfy the necessities of life and business, and thus differences in segments B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer), it is their nature (Friedman, 2001).

The influencers were the other political parties and the EU, and also the elder civil servants: the decider was Geoff Hoon: the buyers were the Ministry of Defence: the gatekeepers were (in part) the European Union, since they ruled that all companies in the EU must be allowed to bid: and the users are the Navy and (to an extent) the Ministry of Defence. The Government were apparently doubtful of BAE`s qualifications, on the basis of the Nimrod and Astute overruns (Blythe, 2003). Geoff Hoon was also doubtful of the company`s British credentials. Personal needs and desires are directed to the solution offered by the firm sells the same product or service. That is the private consumer need the product or service and is and his relatives are end users. However, business marketing buys goods and services as a means of propulsion. Business firm needs they need to adjust the solution offered by the firm that markets, as opposed to individual needs.


The B2B segment can reach a variety of channels i.e. both ATL and BTL. It depends on the current business objectives and the role played by individual groups in the purchasing process. A well-designed marketing B2B is complete - tries to appropriately constructed from the message to reach any of these groups in the previous section, depending on their position, role, needs and motivation. Undoubtedly promotion in the B2B segment is often even marketing sniper (Friedman, 2001). The market and the ways to reach still evolving - it is still worth a look. It is usual to assume that getting conventional ATL media to the B2B segment generates large, inefficient ranges and should not be taken into account. Examples of such thinking can be seen more often on the market. Advertising mobile phones or car offers business reach-lived to see the ads on TV. If, therefore, the B2B segment is very broad and the sender of a ...
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