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Are Australians Happy

Are Australians Happy


It will not be inaccurate to eloquently articulate that there are numerous elements and factors that are pivotal for formulating the unimpeded course of an individual's contentment, bliss and delight. Besides, the personal aspects of a person's life, his complacency, delight and happiness are greatly affected by the course of actions and activities taking place around him. The societal aspect is yet another facet of not only a single person's happiness or complacency, but the entire nation's satisfaction, and amongst the major factors that devise the sound existence of the society, that in return result in nation's happiness is the vital domain of politics.

Criterion for a Nation to Be Happy

As mentioned in the introduction, there are numerous aspects that are integral for resulting in a nation's happiness. Most of the time the approach of the inhabitants of a country, acts as a single substantial psyche; therefore, the prime factors prevailing in a society, are imperative for affecting that uniform psyche of the entire nation. Let it be the feeling of safety, the feeling of existence of opportunities for everyone, the constant prospect of progression and advancement, the uniformity, the love that is experienced between the inhabitants, financial security and many other factors. Overall, a the inhabitants of a country are believed to be happy and satisfied, provided they feel that their basic needs and requirements are being satisfied and fulfilled. A country in which not only the basic needs are being met, but also they are relishing adequate health, respective health facilities, and the financial security, the research denotes that based on these criterions, the nation can be rated as happy and satisfied.

Role of Politics in the Satisfaction of a Nation

The aspects, previously mentioned, are imperative for rendering felicity and happiness to the inhabitants of a nation. However, if a cognitive mind undertakes the endeavour of assimilating the crucial association of those felicitous aspects to the real bodies that are responsible for rendering it; then it will not take long to comprehend that the ruling bodies and the establishment are the country are the sole facilitators of such endowments.

The primary objective of any government or the ruling body of a country must revolve around the well being of its nation, rather than just accumulation of wealth or military strength. Therefore, it falls under the dire responsibility of the government or the ruling parties to take imperative measures that will play a pivotal role in diminishing the level or rate of miseries for the nation, and increase the arenas and domains for happiness (Styron, 1989, pp. 44).

Australian Politics

Being an integral component for British colony for a long time, it will not be inaccurate to state that the nation never lacked the endorsement of the basic resource, that were pivotal for propelling the entire nation towards the course of advancement and progress. Besides, rendering the basic resources and opportunities for progress and development, what the English rule also rendered was the clear, astute ...
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