Attachment Disorder

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Attachment Disorder

Attachment Disorder


Attachment is one of the most enduring and deep relationships which are established between a child and the person caring for the child. The influences of attachment remain all over the life and has a special place in the lives of the people. This research paper is written on the topic of attachment disorder in children. It will encompass the causes of the disorder and the effects that it has on the children. The research paper will also include the symptoms of the attachment disorder in children. Children that lack attachment are also discussed in the paper. All aspects of attachment, as well as, the attachment disorder will be included in the research paper.



Attachment is one of the most enduring, deep and strong relationship which a child develops with his or her caregiver during the early years of his or her life. Attachment is found to profoundly influence each and every single component of the conditions of human. It is found to influence the body, mind, emotions, values and relationships of the child, as well as, the caregiver (Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, 2002). Attachment is not something is given by the parents to the kids, it rather is a mutual relationship. It is created by the parents and children together. This is an ongoing and a continuous reciprocal relationship. Attachment is also one of the basic human needs. It is natural to get attached to a person or a care giver who is loving, protective, supporting and provides guidance. The need for attachment is deeply rooted in the evolutionary process of a million of years. Children, parents, as well as, other caregivers have an instinct to get attached. Babies are instinctively attached and attracted toward s the needs of safety and comfort, parents instinctively take care of their children and nurture and feed them. Attachment is an emotional, physiological, social, psychological, as well as, a cognitive phenomenon (Bower, 2000). Signals or cues activate the attachment behaviors of the children. These symbols or cues are also known as the social releasers. The process of attachment is defined in terms of mutual regulatory systems. The care giver, as well as, the baby influence each other tremendously over time.

Functions of Attachment

Attachment has the basic purpose of providing the children with safety and protection. Apart from this basic purpose of attachment, there are other crucial functions that it performs.

Attachment and Behavior

From the perspective of behavior, a group of instinctive infants show and represent attachment at the behavioral level. These behaviors serve to form the attachment bonds between the child and the care giver of the child (Flores, 2004). This bond protects the child form harm and fear of all kinds. This also help the child to explore the world under the protection, guidance and support of the care giver. Such behaviors include reaching, grasping, moving, crying, smiling, clinging, vocalizing and sucking. These behaviors help in the mental, emotional, as well as, the physical development of the ...
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