Attachment And Women

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Attachment and Women

Attachment and Women for Social Work

Attachment and Women for Social Work

1. What is the main point of reading? What is/are the author(s) trying to communicate to the reader? Summarize the main point(s) of reading and the author's principal arguments. We all human being wants attachment with other individuals whether we talk about children, women or adult. We all need someone to talk to and refer to seek help. Although the attachment, and affection needs of an individual may vary from each other, but everyone want this emotional attachment. Individuals want attachment of their friends and family, especially in the time of need when an individual is in problem. They want individual to listen to them, so they can share their problems and worries. It helps them reduce their anxiety and help them solve the problem (Cooley, E. L., Van Buren, A., & Cole, S. P, 2010). The author has emphasized that individuals cannot live without their family and close friends. There is a concept of secure attachment, which means that a person or individual would be there to help the human being in order to solve his or her problems. The affiliated person will always be there when called upon by the individual.

The importance of such attachment could be realized from the example of a child when the child is hungry or in any problem, the child looks to his or her mother because the child knows she will take care and will solve the problem. Even the sight of the mother is so satisfying for the child that he or she feels relieved.

The main purpose of the reading is to realize that without such attachment and personal care one cannot lead a health life. Through research, we can conclude that people with strong relationship with their family and friend often have a long and healthy life. They often lead a very happy and successful life due to the fact that they had a close relationship, with other and they had someone to go to when in trouble.

2) What is the theoretical value of reading? That is, how does the reading add to the understanding of human behavior in the social environment? What is offered that is unique, interesting, and/or important? The reading of the case gives a very good insight of how important relationships and attachment are to individuals. Human Behavior in the social setting is very important to learn, so people can act accordingly and behave in ways that help them achieve a good successful life. Individuals can engage in different relationships at various stages of life. Some time only a single bond of relationship may give social provision to individuals. Many studies show that adults need strong social and environmental support. Adult regularly require social support along with the relationship of attachment to maintain a well being and healthy life.

Studies found out that there are two types of loneliness an individual can face; emotional loneliness and social ...
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