Associate-Degree Level Versus The Baccalaureate-Degree Level In Nursing

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Associate-degree level versus the Baccalaureate-degree level in nursing

Associate-degree level versus the Baccalaureate-degree level in nursing


The American Association of College of Nursing (ACCN) believes that the education plays an important role in the knowledge and skills of the nurses who practice for the well being of the humanity. Currently there are two programs that are being offered in the field of nursing in order to get the license to practice as Registered Nurse (RN). One is Bachelor of Science in Nursing, (BSN) and the other one is Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). Both of these programs have got several differences that play an important role in the grooming and upbringing of the nurses in this modern era of science and technology. BSN is four year degree program whereas AND is a diploma program of two years ( The Nurse with BSN provides them the basics to work in different health sectors and provides them different opportunities to grow professionally. As BSN is a four year degree program therefore it can allow the nurse to work as educator, case manager, bedside nurse, public administrator and work in both public as well as community clinics. The Associate Degree Nursing concentrates more on practical work rather than focusing over the theoretical approach. The associate degree nurses trained for their direct hands on the patient's health care in a different setting such as hospitals, clinics and physician offices. There are several aspects that can make the difference of competences between the associate and baccalaureate degree nursing programs (Oermann, 1998).


Numerous researches show that associate and baccalaureate degree nurses do not have any difference in competency when they graduate. The practical knowledge to both the nurses is almost same at the time of graduation. However, after one year of their practice it shows that the nurses done with BSN shows greater management, problem solving and decision making skills. These skills create the difference between the nurses with different educational background in their growth and promotions. Whether it is ADN or BSN, both the programs teach students to perform nursing tasks in all hospital setting which includes mental health nursing, surgical nursing and adult nursing etc. Both of the programs teaches students the same nursing skills and technically prepare them to clear the Registered Nursing test to enter the field of nursing. However in the baccalaureate program apart from technical skills the program focuses over other key factors that help in character building and professional growth of the nurse (Moore, 2009).

Idaho state university believes that their nursing students under the BSN programs consists of several competencies as compare AND students. They believe that the nurses that get the baccalaureate degree under the BSN program are more technically sound. These nurses can communicate with their patients in more effective manner. They are technologically competent aware of the modern technologies in their respective field. These nurses consist of much professional behavior and are sounder in clinical practice. Another college named as North Idaho college lists down the competences ...
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