Assistant Executives

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Administration for Assistant Executives

Administration for Assistant Executives


Executive Assistants (EAs) provide services and assistance to the various managers and other employees of the organisation. The duties might range in overseeing the office administrative functions, in addition to the continuous support to the executive mangers. Mangers can utilize their time very efficiently if they seek the assistance from the executive assistants also known as EAs. They use to direct the managers in order to reach at the efficient results, and most importantly executive assistants need to handle the work and other tasks to be done. So, it is obvious and mandatory that the executive assistants require wide range of skills to fulfil the required task and help the executives at every level. This assignment will attempt to identify the skills necessary for the executive assistants in order to fulfil the required job responsibilities.


An efficient executive assistant support the executives of the company so as to build the value of the business by working out efficiently on the tasks assigned to him or her. Yet, not every executive is served by the efficient and competent assistant. The role of assistance to an executive requires the various competencies and skills mentioned in the assignment. The effective executive assistant serves nearly invisible support for the executive, acting with little supervision, anticipating needs while managing the day-to-day workflow and prioritizing various projects.

The figure clearly showed the skills and competencies necessary for the executive assistants. These include adaptability, organisation, proactive anticipation of needs, judgement, computer and technical skills, customers service skills, communication skills, and broad understanding of businesses concepts. Moreover, the required skills vary from company to company, however the basic job responsibilities are almost same in each company. Since, my job responsibilities include the following:

supporting systems and processes in your department

advising your line manager on how to develop an appropriate office environment

organising business meetings and events for your department

supporting your line manager in planning and conducting projects and managing small-scale

internal projects independently

managing your line manager's and your own diary

Communicating effectively and appropriately at your work place.

So, keeping in view the above task it is clear that the multiple skills are required to support the required role as an executive assistant. Supporting systems and process in the department requires me to have a sound knowledge of not only the businesses but also the process and the information systems or ERP being used into the organisation. It is highly recommended skill which is required by the employer to recruit the efficient executive. Since, these requirements vary from company to company but the basic knowledge of businesses is required. Assisting a line manager in order to develop the efficient and appropriate office environment, the executive assistant need to posses the sound knowledge of the organisation its environment and he or she must anticipate the needs in this regard. Business meeting and events can be only organised effectively if the assistant had acknowledged the skills of communication and the event management skills mandatory to cater the needs of the ...
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