Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

The pain, which occurs in your body, is better felt and bear by yourself rather than someone else. Other people just can sympathize but cannot feel like you by any means. Similarly your self rather than any one else can better realize the problems of your own loved ones.

There will always be problems with how care is delivered in a nursing home. No one is going to take care of you or your loved one exactly the way you think it should be. The administrator and Director of Nursing may truly desire the best care possible but they are not provided enough financial resources by the executives of the corporation or owners. If four nursing assistant are doing the job of five, or one nurse is doing the job of two nurses, someone's needs are going to be left behind (Pollitz, 2007, 25-96).

Nursing homes routinely are unable to staff enough nursing assistants and this shortage leads to a high turnover and burnout, and this leads to poor care.Nursing assistant staffing sometimes inexplicably decreases. What used to be a required five nursing assistants on the floor suddenly becomes four and temporary or agency nursing assistants, although usually competent, are often hired to save money. But it is difficult to provide quality care when someone is not familiar with the residents. Even if inadequate staffing is cited, fines and citations are often reduced and even eliminated through loopholes in the laws and extended, multiple appeal procedures.

Visit your loved one in the evening and occasionally on different nights when the staff does not expect you. This time period after the 9-5 staff has left and before residents are assisted to bed is usually the time of day when the ...
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