Assignment Managing Organisations

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Assignment Managing Organisations

Assignment Managing Organisations


People when hear the word “manager” commonly think it is all about money and power. But this is not the case every time. Management is not only about huge salaries and power. Managers and upper level employees work for longer hours and sometimes they do not even get the credit of the task they performed. Sometime managers have to deal with the sudden unexpected events that pop up now and then. There are various challenges which are being faced by managers in all sorts of organizations. Managers need to motivate the sub ordinates and keep them focus towards the achievement of common goals of organization, both long and short term. In today's world managers need to meet the challenges both within and outside of the organization. Here, first we will discuss the challenges which are being faced by the managers outside the organization.

Challenges Outside organization


Uncertainty in the global economy is the biggest challenge for today's manager to meet with. The world is in a state of economic crisis, and the uncertain situation has been prevailing for few years. Every business is under the process of recovery and managers need to lead from the front in this situation. Strategic managers are shying away from making the long term plans, and they are more focused in achieving the short term goals.


Business management becomes more complex even certain activities are made easier by information technology. The global economy is getting more and more connected with the time and creating more larger and diverse number of suppliers and customers. The pace of change is quick and to cope up with this pace is another challenge for today's managers.

Problem Solving

Problem solving competency among today's managers is very limited. Corporate managers need to develop skills to get on to this issue. It is the key to business and firms need to resolve this lack problem solving the issue in order to boost their growth.


Challenges of globalization are vast. When firms enter in the new markets, they quickly need to understand the demands of their target market. Managers have an important role in this globalized economic scenario. They need to understand their target market, demographics, strengths and weaknesses of their competitors, opportunities and threats for their firm in the global market and then prepare strategies in accordance with the needs of the market which give maximum benefit to the firm (4 imprint, N.D).

Challenges within the organization

Moral and Ethical Issues

In everyday operations, managers do face numerous moral and ethical issues. Management job is all about making such decisions which help the firm to move forward. Since managers have to make many decisions from hiring to termination, they face many ethical and moral issues in every stage. In organizations, managers are considered as a role model for the employees and people seek guidance from them. Most of the duties of managers are revolved around communicating with other managers and employees. Management is always about interaction and dealing with different people, it is ...
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