Assignment 2: Designing A Training Program

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Assignment 2: Designing a Training Program

Assignment 2: Designing a Training Program


This assignment entails an outline of a training program designed for twenty employees of an organization. To enhance the discussion the name of the company is assumed to be SSG Co. which is a packaged food manufacturing concern. The twenty employees belong to the middle management level and are reporting authorities to twenty-five employees each. Hence, in this respect, this training program outline how these team leaders could effectively manage their teams and make them more productive after completing this training program. More details specific to the two day training program are discussed in the following section.


This training program aims to provide awareness and knowledge amongst the twenty participants about how they can become effective team leaders and manage their sub-ordinates efficiently. However, the need for this training program was assuaged after the training specialists conducted a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for SSG Co.

Training Needs Analysis-TNA:

Jusoh, (2011) comments that training needs analysis for any individual or a company aims to identify different needs related with training and development, the extra skills and competencies required by an individual or a group. Training needs analysis has become of crucial importance for an organization, especially in today's age and time of changing work environment, globalization and the importance of building strong and connected teams in today's multicultural business places. Conversely, Arthur, (2003) states that needs assessment is the process of assessing an organization's training needs with the intention of evaluating if through the provision of the desired training the organization's needs and problems can be solved. This assessment is the crucial step in designing of a training program and can determine the overall effectiveness of the training as well.

Conversely, when the training needs analysis of SSG Co. was conducted amongst other needs, a strong gap was observed amongst its manufacturing and supply chain division. Being one of the largest divisions of the company, worth six hundred managerial and non-managerial employees, this demanded attention of the training team. Through the assessment carried out, non-managerial employees were not satisfied with their leaders or superiors and compliant of lack of communication, attitude problems, conflict with colleagues and overall de-motivation to work. The supervisors when approached also complained the same of their own higher authority, along with, sharing that they do not know how to motivate their sub-ordinates. They usually listen and try to resolve all their issues but this is the only norm that they practice. Hence, considering this, the training specialists have determined that all the twenty supervisors/managers would be provided with motivation and team building trainings for two days. With the aim that after this training they are able to better manage their subordinates and motivate them into becoming productive employees. Therefore, the training needs identified are summarized as follows:

Team Building skills: the managers do not know how to motivate their sub-ordinates

Time management and organizational skills are desired

Becoming an effective team leader

The Two Day Training Program

Aguinis & Kraiger (2009) notes that ...
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