Assignment 10

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Assignment 10

Part A

Difference between Curative and Palliative Approach

There is a significant difference between the palliative care approach and curative care treatment. Curative treatment deals with the alleviation of the symptoms and pain related to the medical problems of the patient. This approach aims to treat the disease. On the other hand, the palliative treatment approach deals with the provision of the relief but it does not treat the medical issue of the patient. It aids to improve the health quality of the patient and his family encountering the critical sickness, via relief of suffering and its prevention. This is done through the detection, evaluation and providing cure for spiritual, psychosocial, physical as well as other related problems. The actual purpose of palliative approach is to maintain the open and optimistic attitude concerning bereavement and mortality (Meier, 2008).

Mrs. Magdalene was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was already suffering from diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Her family refused curative treatment regarding pancreatic cancer and preferred palliative treatment for her at home. Mrs. Magdalene was a social and religious lady and her life was deteriorating because of the medical issues. According to her family and medical staff, she needed the palliative treatment as at this stage of disease, patient could not respond to the treatment and symptoms could not be well controlled or prevented.

Principles and Aims of Palliative Approach

Magdalene`s family had decided to provide her palliative treatment at home and moreover they were not interested in chemotherapies or radiation regarding cancer treatment. The palliative team would treat the patient to improve her well being. The palliative team will provide the following services

reduce pain via nerve block method, analgesic medicines and massaging

alleviate the depression by counseling her, involving her in various social and religious activities

bypass surgery of the obstructed duct or gut (duodenum)

placement of the stent in the duodenum or duct to keep it open

(NCI, 2010)

Holistic Support to Magdalene and Her Family

Magdalene and her family are in need of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical support. The main concern is regarding the cultural beliefs and background of Magdalene. The care plan team could provide the support in this regard by communicating with patient and her family (NHS, 2009). Nurses as the care giver must provide the support in participating the different social activities and church services. Nurse must help the family of the patient in managing their condition and making significant decisions about the patient.

Support for Magdalene and her family on Easter

Nurse will guide the family to prepare the particular meal according to the diabetic diet plan for Mrs. Magdalene for the day of Easter. To make the visitors aware of the diabetic condition of the patient, family members may put the charts relating diet plan for the diabetic patients on the wall of room or may put the tag having gratitude from the diabetic patient and do not let them to bring any sweets or chocolate to her room.

Notes Regarding Concerns of Magdalene about Her Funeral ...
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