Assignment 10 - The Court And The Media

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Assignment 10 - The Court and the Media

Assignment 10 - The Court and the Media

Article 1

When the law on police questioning of immigration status was heard by the Supreme Court, protests against the law were held outside the court. The article by New York Times, “A Hearing and Rallies over a Law in Arizona” explains the protest of citizens in front of the Supreme Court on 25th April, 2012 as it was assumed that the law would spread the fear among Latinos in the country. While the protestors included labor and religious groups, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. claimed that the law would not only be concerned with the racial profiling or other right claims. The advocates of Latino have told that the legal issues could not be separated from the impact of law on immigrant communities in Arizona. Also, it is considered to be the biggest civil rights case of advocates' time. However, if the decision is upheld by the court, it would be a call to act for Latinos. The court must realize that in such case, the position of the country will be challenged.

Article 2

In the article, “China's Supreme Court Overturns Former Tycoon's Death Sentence”, the decision of China's Supreme Court is discussed. The decision of death sentencing of an ex-tycoon was overturned, who was convicted to raise money by illegal means for her business in a case, which promoted a public outcry. The decision of the Supreme Court overturned as they said that they were sending 31 years old Wu Ying back to her home province of Zhejiang in Southeast of China. In addition, the communist government has also launched a pilot project in Wu's home city that is aimed to make it simple for entrepreneurs for getting bank loans for their businesses. According to the media, Wu was dropped out of her school as teenager, when she started her business of hair salon. She also raised money from private lenders outside the government controlled banking system, just like all other entrepreneurs. Initially, such conducts were ignored by the authorities but they have started to crack such cases down in recent years. Also, some sources have also said that Wu was accused to cheat investors; however, there are no details of her case.

Article 3

“New Poll: The Supreme Court and the Health Care Law”, written by Liptak depicts that more than two-thirds of Americans are hoping that the Supreme Court will be overturning some or all of the healthcare laws of 2010. A survey was conducted in this regard that provided results that forty one percent of participants consider that the court would be striking down the entire law; whereas, 27% of participants said that the justices would overturn the individual mandate that require most of the citizens for obtaining health insurance or paying a penalty. Further, the survey was conducted through telephone interviews during May 31 to June 3. The total number of participants was nine hundred and seventy six ...
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