Assignment 1 - Pediatric Care

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Assignment 1 - Pediatric Care

Assignment 1 - Pediatric Care


Family-centred management of children needing medical attention is one of the most important components of registered nursing practices in Australia. In such cases, registered professional nurses are expected to work along with the concerned family in order to provide the best treatment to the patient. Such an approach is particularly essential for children diagnosed with chronic healthcare issues. Only by providing timely and quality treatment will the nurse be able to ensure that the health interests of the child are met. The primary aim of this paper is to determine the underlying risks and threats associated with healthcare diseases.


Cerebral Palsy is a permanent and progressive disorder that affects psychomotor patient (Shearer, 1986, p. 152). It is described as a group of psychomotor developmental disorders that basically lead to a limitation of the activity. As a result, the person is not able to work diligently because of problems in fetus' or children's mental development (Stanley & Blair, 1991, 625). Psychomotor disorders of cerebral palsy are often accompanied by sensory problems, cognitive, communication and perception, and sometimes, behavioural disorders”. Additionally, brain injuries are also common among patients aged less than 5 years. Brain damage after the age of 5 years to adult period may manifest as cerebral palsy although lesions are not PC.

Overview of Cerebral Palsy in Australia

In developed countries like Australia, cerebral palsy occurs about 2 to 2.5 times for every thousand births (Nelson & Ellenberg, 1986, p. 83). The incidence has not declined over the past 60 years despite medical advances such as monitoring vital signs of fetuses. Although cerebral palsy has no known cure, medical intervention does appear as a help. Treatments for developing patient staff are introduced into their daily life until their death (Nelson & Ellenberg, 1986, p. 83).

Signs and Symptoms

cerebral palsy is generally characterized by an abnormal tone of muscle. For example, it is common for the affected to slouch over when he is eating. Moreover, reflexes and coordination and motor development is also affected to a significant level. Apart from this, contractures and deformities of the bones and joints is also a common occurrence in patients suffering from cerebral palsy. Some of the classical symptoms related with cerebral palsy are involuntary movements, spasticities, and spasms. Additionally, an unsteady gait is also common among the patients while they also have a problem balancing themselves (Nelson & Ellenberg, 1986, p. 83). Apart from this, san increasing number of people suffering from cerebral palsy are observe to toe walk or scissor walk. However, when taken on the whole, the symptomatology of cerebral palsy is quite diverse (Nelson & Ellenberg, 1986, p. 83). The impact of cerebral palsy falls under the category of motor dysfunctions. This can range from lethargy to severe impairments. In fact, the impairments are so severe that they may make it extremely difficult or almost impossible for the patient to make coordinated movements.

When a baby is born with cerebral palsy, it is almost imperative ...
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