Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Q- In a 3-5-page paper, explain the structure and design of public organizations charged with regulating the business and economic environment. Utilize the text and/or internet sources.

Ans. Public bodies often defined by some of its techniques and tactics such as government level control and implementation. Public organizations are all about communication. Process of subtle and important issues of public interest, including research and analysis, policy formulation, planning, communication and feedback from all companies. Almost all policies of intervention, whether the liberalization of the exchange rate and the subcontracting of work, has an effect in a country of values. However, the extent of the full range of institutions that directly and indirectly affect the growth and development is impossible, if not impossible. Once defined the public as "do good and get credit for that." One area where this is particularly true in crisis management (Aspley, 1956). If Company X faces a crisis and has developed a reputation for mistreatment of workers, environmental practices, terrible customer service, it will be difficult for the company to recover from the crisis. The crisis could sink the company X. In addition, the company has developed strong community support through sponsorship of charitable events, offering services to the needy, and allows employees to volunteer in the community. A crisis occurs. However, occurs in different ways. Here, the community supports the company Y. The company has been there for the community, the community is now in sight of the company. Public administration systems are primarily concerned with transforming inputs into outputs and outcomes. The incentive framework for the transformation of a number of institutions such as formal rules, standard operating procedures, legal provisions and rules, customs and codes of conduct unwritten. Myriad of organizations from different levels of work to support this process through ...
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