The first assignment was regarding how online education has transformed the education system and ways in which students learned about different things. The research was chosen to be conducted on the topic of cyber education. This paper gives brief answer to the questions relating to the assignment 1 research method, types, procedures used, data selection/rejection and other associated questions with the research.
As a first step, it is necessary to define these two methods of research and examine their goals. Quantitative research can be defined as a process of inquiry examining an identified problem that is based on testing a theory measured by numbers and analyzed with statistical techniques. Whereas, qualitative research can be defined as a process of inquiry that builds a complex and holistic picture of a particular phenomenon of interest by using a natural setting. Thus, qualitative research involves the analysis of words, pictures, videos, or objects in the context in which they occur (Adcock & Collier, Pp. 529-546). The assignment is a qualitative research on how the education system got transformed from black boards, classrooms, paper, and pencils to audio/video tapes, overhead projectors, and virtual libraries. The method used to gather data was mostly through online research or internet research.
The Internet offers users anonymity. In online research environments, this anonymity may prompt participants to give more honest answers than they might provide to research conducted in person. One oft-discussed limitation of offline research methods is the potential for individuals to offer socially desirable answers, which might not reflect their true beliefs or behaviors but are those they believe present themselves in the best light. This potential is lessened when participants know the researcher has very little information about them and has never seen them. Similarly, individuals can participate in research in the ...