Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

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Assignment 1


1.1Purpose of Different Types of Organisation

Organisation across United Kingdom has different types of organisational structure and culture, which hinder or help its development towards attaining these objectives. There are three types of organisational structures and culture:

Functional Structure

This type of organisational structure refers to a set up; thus, each organisational portion is grouped bases on its aim. In functional structure, there can be a production, sales and marketing department. This structure is appropriate for small businesses where all departments may depend on the knowledge and talent of its support and employees. This structure offers operational efficiencies where workers become specialists within their own expertise realm. This structure lacks in communication and coordination because of organisational boundaries (Brooks, 2009, pp.12-350).

Divisional Structure

This structure is suitable for larger corporations, which has their operations in a broad geographic area or have separate sister firms under the umbrella company to cover different market areas and diverse product line. The advantage of this structure refers to the needs may be fulfilled more specifically and rapidly, but communication is held back as workers in different departments are not operating together. This organisational structure is expensive as of its scope and size. On a small scale, small corporations may use a divisional structure, to have different headquarters in different areas of the city.


Matrix structure refers to a hybrid of functional and divisional structure. This organisational structure is used in large MNCs (multinational companies). This structure takes in benefits of both divisional and functional structures. This may result in power struggles as a company may have dual management; for instance, a divisional (product) manager or functional manager covers similar managerial territory and working at the same level. However, both divisional and divisional structures might be a solution for firms operating in uncertain and complex environment.


There are four types of culture, namely, competitive, controlled, creative and collaborative. Each organisational culture has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are based on the size of the organisation. The purpose of each culture is different, for example, competitive culture endorses achievement, controlled culture emphasises on power, creative culture focuses on self-actualisation, and collaborative culture stresses on affiliation (Ivancevich, Konopaske & Matteson, 2008, pp.14-128).

1.2Stakeholder's Main Objectives

Organisational structure and culture direct behaviours among employees and workplace environment. Studies asserted a strong relationship between organisational structure/culture and business performance. If a company encourages a great deal of motivation, communication, initiative and risk-taking behaviour, along with a flexible organisational structure, it will eventually enhance the company's business performance. Hence, organisational structure and culture has a vital impact on the ability of the organisation to deliver on its strategy (

Organisational structure and culture may have differing impact on both business and employee performance. At time, employees work harder to attain goals of organisation if they are in line with corporate culture. For instance, if there is a lack of communication in a company, workforce can work accordingly; whereas, if the form permits one area, ...
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