Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Assignment 1


Changes in the external or internal environment of an organization certainly affect the operation of the business (Issar & Zohar, 2007). This paper in this connection will examine the change in task environment of the organization I am working for, i.e. Meida Construction Pte Ltd, as an Account Manager. The company has an objective to increase its market share by seizing more and more opportunities. The quality and timely delivery of the work increases the work load on the management and there is an increasing demand of hiring trained, experienced and qualified professionals to work for the organization. However, examination of several factors revealed the shortage of “Labour Supply” before the management. The following paper in this connection will focus on the importance of this change driver, its impact on my job description and what knowledge I will require to cope up with this issue.

Change in External Environment and its affect on Meida Construction Pte Ltd

Since, the company is in developing phase, financial health of the company is adequate to support its ongoing project but company cannot afford to pay any overhead cost, which include raise in salaries, perks, privileges and other non-cash benefits. There is a shortage of labour supply in the market, which increases the expectations and demand of currently employed personnel. This low supply of labour results in high demand making it extremely difficult for the company to cope with problem (Cameron & Green, 2004). However, the fact remains that employees either will switch or will not give their complete input if they are not offered the amount they consider their skills worth. This problem, although is not very much critical for the company at present but create major hurdle in the growth and development of the company (Bartol and Tein, 2004).

Importance of change driver and its impact on organization

This driver of change can potentially damage the business, quality and operations of the company, if not resolved on priority. The shortage of labour supply will either compromises the quality of the delivered work or delay in the project completion. Meida Construction Pte Ltd as cited is in phase of developing (Beerel, 2009) and thus requires addressing the problem on priority so that this problem may not affect the organizational process, products and operations.

Impact of change drivers on Account Management

Meida Construction Pte Ltd is currently facing Labour Supply shortage, an element of ...
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