Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Ethical and Social Issues within the Global Market of Asia

Many problems and ethical dilemmas of international Asian companies originate from the significant differences in political systems, laws, economic development and culture among different nations. In the context of international business, the most common ethical problems are related to employment practices, human rights, environmental standards, corruption and obligations of multinational corporations. The international business environment involves the interaction of various concepts and agents: international politics, international treaties, international law, international regulatory bodies and agencies and institutions. Given the complexity of these relationships by the amount of trade involved, is to facilitate the procedures involved in any trade negotiations, export or import of goods. So therefore XYZ Construction Inc. have the need for a regulatory framework that governs the action and the exercise of the parties.International trade agreements are created for this purpose so that the interests of those involved are protected, each country has a particular legal regulation and then the required sample through treaties the law of each party. However, it is impossible to completely guarantee that each side respects the other's interests, or locally will be respected the rules imposed by the agencies that govern trade (Maddox, 1993).

Many ethical issues arise precisely because of differences in economic, political, legal and cultural. The ethical problem of international business affects virtually all areas of concern to the international economy. In trade relations, each country uses its ability to export their products to other markets. In the global exchange of currencies, all countries benefit when there is a stable exchange rate, which facilitates business and trade, but it can unilaterally agree to devalue its own currency to correct a trade deficit. The solutions to the problems associated with collective goods in the international political economy often include the formulation of agreements and creation of international institutions that coordinate the actions of several countries.

Many ethical and social problems and dilemmas of international companies originate from the significant differences in political systems, laws, economic development and culture among different nations. Therefore, what is considered normal use in a country is considered immoral in others. As managers of a multinational company, XYZ Construction Inc. must be very attentive to these differences and choose the ethical action in the circumstances in which variations between cultures open the possibility that ethical problems arise. In the context of international business, the most common ethical problems are related to employment practices, human rights, environmental standards, corruption and moral obligations of multinational corporations (Kline, 2005).

Ethics is dynamic and flexible but is based on principles and values they embody real people and project interpersonally. in the organization. Helps develop stable habits of good conduct and promotes collective practices and makes proper compliance with the law (the country's regulations and company standards, but above all, creates a culture that goes far beyond the law, supported by the free will of those who practice. Ethical practices in the global business operation takes into account the practical experience in the management of ...
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