Assessment Of The Community Health

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Assessment of the Community Health

Assessment of the Community Health

The purpose of assessing the community health is to maintain the quality health of all the people living in that particular community (CHAGE, 2010). The evaluation provides the following

The fats and reasons of the community health of the inhabitants

Aid to make the plan by setting the priority

Assurance that the proposed strategies are based on evidence

Richman community also aims to offer the opportunities to its residence for investing in the quality health, via appropriate strategies of awareness and inhibition of disease prevalence. The assessment of community health is performed at different levels. There are various aspects which are considered in the evaluation of health status of any community. Many analysts have proposed many criteria of the appraisal for the health condition.

To determine the status of health in the Richman Park area community, we are employing the eleven functional health patterns of Gordon. He gave the idea of compiling data that assist in estimation of the health situation. Moreover, this criteria help to plan the procedures and different curriculum to cope with those health issues.

The Management of Health

It involves the determination of the history of the community regarding the prevalence of any disease, its root cause and the attempts made to control that particular disease. It involves the members from different health profession and work jointly for the protection of health (Perlino, 2013). The history of the vaccination and immunization and the ratio of allergic patients are also evaluated with the help of these criteria. The assessment shows that in the Richman Park Community, there are many strategies and programs are implemented for the improvement of the residents` health. Healthcare facilities are provided at the work place and schools. People regularly go for a checkup of their teeth once in a month. Different programs held for the awareness of maintaining good health. In the schools, children get vaccination and immunization for polio, hepatitis B and tetanus. Residents also got administered the influenza and pneumonia vaccination at the time when there is a prevalence of these infections.

The consumption of alcohol is not allowed to the school and college going residents. They are motivated to do alcohol free activities. As well as the healthcare services are available for the patients of drug abuse and smokers who have damaged their lungs badly. Patients are tested for the allergic reaction before prescribing the drugs especially ...
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