Assessment 2

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Assessment 2

Social and Criminal Justice


Interventions are implemented as programs in every health systems in order to meet the health conditions of any population. Those responsible for these strategies often face health decision making with incomplete information, circumstances in which they can make the best use of available resources that are always limited (Bhutta et al., 2008). In that sense, it is a priority to identify programs and interventions with proven effectiveness, understand under what conditions they work, by how much, when and for whom they work. In addition, proper planning, design and evaluation of personal health initiatives or programs require a significant investment of resources (Baker, 2000). However, it helps to make informed decisions that consider the particular context of the target population also generate knowledge that can be useful for design similar interventions. For the Public Health System of Wales community, the launch of the Wales Health-2013 is an unprecedented opportunity to plan, design and evaluate a package of interventions aimed at strengthening the capacity of health systems in the region. This also expects results in significant improvements in the health of the population in conditions of greater vulnerability among whom are indigenous population in rural and marginal urban dwellers (ABHI, 2012).

Wales Health-2013 is proposed as an initiative to reduce disparities in health in the Wales population living in poverty through the provision of extended basic health services. In fact, the emphasis of Wales Health-2013 is to increase access to reproductive health services, neonatal and infant, child and maternal nutrition, immunisation, and malaria and dengue among the poorest areas in the region. It is also important to know that strengthens of Wales Health-2013 deliver potential outcomes that are multiplied when a set of proven interventions work with harmony in a population. The aim of this paper is to present the overall design of the proposed assessment, showing the potential outcomes that could be obtained, and highlighting the advantages and limitations of the proposed approach.


Design of the Project

The objective proposed for the evaluation is to be able to estimate the effectiveness attributable to Wales Health-2013 with mixed methods and generate information about the processes and the implementation thereof. It is also important to know that focus of evaluation is the effectiveness of Wales Health-2013 that will be used for assessment. In fact, it is identified as a comprehensive part of documentation that entails how the country-specific design responds to the needs identified for the targeted population of Wales region. It is essential to discuss that actions are being operated in accordance with the design and finally the deployed package helps to improve the health and nutritional conditions of the target population of Wales Health-2013.

For the impact assessment, the proposed design considers a comparison between two groups of towns in early intervention and late intervention group (Bryce et al., 2008). However, for both groups information will be obtained prior to implementation (baseline), and information after a period of activity of Wales Health-2013. It is also important to know that comparison will estimate the effect attributable to ...
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