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Articles Review

Attorney General Report on Trickling in Person

This report issues on the activities of government for the combat of trafficking in humans. The modern slavery victims have many faces and appearances. These victims are children and adults, women and men. However, all these victims are deprived of the basic freedom and human dignity (AG, 2010). The attorney general states that all the humans must unite as a global community and as a Nation to offer secure place of protection by prosecuting traffickers and guarding the victims.

With the enhanced social and medical services, increased public awareness, training for first responders, victim identification, the women, children and men who have experienced this terrorize can receive justice and protection, successfully retrieve their equitable sovereignty and trounce the connections of contemporary slavery. A widespread form of modern-day slavery is the human trafficking or Trafficking In Persons (TIP).

The individuals who may lack access to social safety nets or are underemployed, poor, or frequently unemployed, become the victim of traffickers. By the traffickers, the victims are frequently attracted with fake assures of better lives and good jobs and then the victims are, to work under inhumane and brutal conditions, are forced (AG, 2010). To keep their crimes hidden, because of the lengths to which perpetrators go is complicated to precisely guess the amount of victimization. Against this terrible crime both at overseas and home, the United States (U.S.) in this campaign has led the world.

The report also states about the history of the United States in the elimination of the human trafficking. According to Attorney General, the year 2010 scripts a momentous landmark in the history of the ongoing campaign of the United States to eradicate the trafficking of humans (AG, 2010). The year 2010 is the tenth anniversary of the course of the Trafficking ...
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