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Articles Information

Article 1

Tjosvold, D. (1993). Teamwork for customers: Building organizations that take pride in serving. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

According to this article, when working in a team is important to remember, the team is "we" rather than "I” that are why it is so important to help the team work easier. Fourth, select the position. Attitude plays an important role in the team as well. The good thing about the position, you can choose a new one. Some way to keep a positive attitude and help the team to start each day with a personal positive thoughts, go to work with a positive attitude, put on a smile to start your day with a laugh, or being helpful, I think positive. If you feel ill to get treatment to change it so that does not affect others, be pleasant, even if the day is not good to leave home at home and in the past to walk, talk with colleagues and wish them a good day.

Article 2

Wilson, J.M., George, J., Wellins, R. S., & Byham, W. C. (1994). Leadership trapeze: Strategies for leadership in team-based organizations (1st ed.). San Francisco : Jossey-Bass.

This article combines theory and real examples of a practical guide for those who want manageor managein team based setting. I wish our leaders of this resource, when we began to work independently manaing team in 1987!''Jeffrey Khan, the second vice-president, insurance services, assistance to the Association for Lutherans.

Article 3

Mohrman, S. A., Cohen, S. G., & Mohrman, Jr., A. M. (1995). Designing team-based organizations: New forms for knowledge work (1st ed.). San Francisco : Jossey-Bass.

In an era where competitive forces require that the corporation, the transition to team-based organization, this book must reading for managers. Based on careful research, it offers the best and most comprehensive plan I've seen in the development and implementation of a paradigm shift must take in order to survive and prosper in the coming decades.

Article 4

Shonk, J. H. (1996). Team-based organizations: Developing a successful team environment (2nd ed.). Homewood, IL: Irwin.

The government consists of two types of customer-the person who receives the benefits of its services, as well as a taxpayer, which supplies fuel money for efficient and effective functioning. If you are looking for tools and techniques that will allow you to deliver public services, which not only met, but exceed the expectations of your customers to do it right the first time, the command you want in government. Any organization that wants to move from focusing exclusively on the needs of the bureaucracy (especially on meeting goals and quotas for the upper echelon), which are far from your customers, TQM will be most effective.

Article 5

Koehler, J.W., & Pankowski, J. M. (1996). Teams in government: A handbook for team-based organizations. Delray Beach , FL : St. Lucie Press.

As American business, many state leaders are aware that the preservation of the traditional management approach will ensure the objectives of the failure. Authors Teams in the Government believe that ...
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