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Articles Feedback

Feedback on Article 1

The first article which is written by Michael Livingston starts off by mentioning the population of the Muslims in the world. He then mentions the law of Islam called Sharia. According to him the Muslims have to do jihad against the non believers of Islam. The article also says that the Muslims consider the Jews and Christians as non-believers and consider them as partners in the Judeo-Christian conspiracy against Muslims and Islam. I strongly disagree with this article. Islam is the religion of peace and the Muslims believe in living together in harmony with each other no matter which religion one belongs to. There are many bad and evil people in the world and they belong to different religion not just Islam. Many of the Jews, Christians, and Hindus etc also commit grave crimes which we read about in the news. Similarly, there are many good and kind hearted people in the world belonging to these very same religions. These people believe in peace and harmony, they help one another, are hardworking and stay clear from the bad things. Islam and the entire Muslim population are merely being targeted as the bad guys and terrorists by the media just because of few evil minded and extremist people (Hassan, 2005). It is true that Muslims today are very far from religion and are the main character of many criminal and lawless acts. But be pretty honest with you, why only Muslims get the attention of media for their crimes seems like the communities of Hindus, Jews and Christians are free from crimes. Some people say that Islam was spread on the edge of sword. In my opinion this is also a false statement as there is no truth in it. Let's suppose that if it's true, ...
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