Article Review

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Article Review

Article Review

Business is concerned with the production of goods & services for the benefit of the community, which is identified mainly by its customers. The article by Guiltinan (2009) discusses customer satisfaction through utility & quality is a primary concern. It is also concerned with paying back the persons who have given it fiancial support. According to Guiltinan (2009) these persons may be shareholders, lenders or depositors. The repayment may be in the form of dividends, interest or appreciation of worth. Generation of additional funds through profits is therefore a compelling economic concern. It has also got the responsibility of proper utilization its resources, which includes the physical, mental, intellectual & professional health of the employees. According to Guiltinan (2009) the ethical issues may arise in a interpersonal interactions, in which some unscrupulous individuals may be trying to take undue advantage for personal benefits, b) considerations of cost while dealing with waste disposals, or ensuring quality, c) not wanting to lose out to competition & therefore wanting to be first in the market, d) messages in the advertisements in order to obtain & retain customers or e) wanting to protect oneself from attacks or sanctions or criticisms & therefore wanting to hide some data. In general, it will be seen that the issues arise almost always, in seeking own advantage & seeing it as not available except at the cost of someone else's. Copying is a very common process in the commercial world, particularly of something that has been an outstanding success.

Guiltinan (2009) says that business is run essentially on economic principles, buy cheapest & sell the same costliest. Of course, it's not charity. In order to be in the market for long, customer needs & demands should be satisfied. The stated objectives by Guiltinan (2009) may be ...
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