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Article Review 'Let Them Eat Fat'

Article Review 'Let Them Eat Fat'


This article tends to address the issue of obesity in general; however, in my opinion childhood obesity is the major source of concern since it tends to deal with our future. It showcases a phenomenon which can have a lot of bad effects on our future without realizing how important is to deal with it. The article tends to throw light on the issue which many in our society would not like to talk about, because their children too are a victim of it. The Issue which this article raises and should attract attention from each corner of our society, by ignoring we would not be doing well to yourself nor to our future generations. Childhood obesity should be dealt on war footings; this article in detail discusses the causes of it. Many other researchers have also thrown light on it, the adversity of childhood obesity as accepted and changed, it is imperative to address the causes for its existence.

This will provide the ordered way to advance about changing the problem. Many children go through obesity due to numerous factors, the poor diet is the primary component, which largely started by the poor food in today's schools and restaurants. Many of the foods that exist today are full of artificial ingredients and tend to cause more fat than they have been. Fast food is just about the unhealthiest thing that you can put in your body, although numerous children encompass it in their everyday diet (Gard, 2004). One alarming fact, which this article, tends to raise is the cost to deal with it; the author suggests that HIV would seem economical in years ahead of us if this disease not dealt immediately.


However, this article does tend to ...
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