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Research Papers on Arts

The Arts is the combination of words, phrases or visuals to describe the expressions and thoughts of an individual. Researchomatic offers a wide range of academic papers on various fields of arts including fine arts, visual arts, music, drama, photography, decorative arts, etc.

Global Warming
Global Warming Introduction The Western experience of modernity—especially technological development, economic growth, material prosperity, urbanization, and democracy—has been built upon industrial capitalism, an economic system predicated on the accelerating extraction and consumption of fossi ...
Learning Introduction People perceive and learn things in different ways and through different channels. There are three types of learners: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. This implies to the different systems of representation as well as perceiving information through different sensory channe ...
My Early Adulthood Experience
MY EARLY ADULTHOOD EXPERIENCE My Early Adulthood Experience My Early Adulthood Experiences Introduction As I am a 21 years old female, my development period is early adulthood. I am from Haiti and most of my family still lives there. I am planning to visit them this summer. I am a sin ...
Table of Contents Introduction Power and Responsibility Analysis Cathedral by Raymond Carver Ethics by Linda Pastan Lies by John Crawford Conclusion Power and Responsibility Introduction Failure and error are essential in the learning process. The true fulfillment, true suc ...
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Introduction In the historical period that corresponds broadly to the French Revolution and the formation of Italian and German unity, that is, approximately, between the end of the eighteenth century around 1850, the economic and social ...
Biography For Herb Kelleher
BIOGRAPHY FOR HERB KELLEHER Biography for Herb Kelleher Biography for Herb Kelleher Introduction Herb Kelleher is the former CEO of the Southwest Airlines Company and his life is a great example to treat people with respect even a person is the head of the entire organization. Kelleher ...
Substance Abuse
SUBSTANCE ABUSE Substance abuse Introduction One of the most common types of drugs used by the African Americans is Marijuana. According to the results derived from the Monitoring the Future Survey, which focuses on a national annual survey directed towards students, more than 20 % ...
Abstract When introducing the metadata standard LOM, objectives such as the ability to find or to reuse learning objects were followed. These objectives are actually achieved in LOM only to a limited degree, despite the designation as de-facto standard for description of electronic learning cont ...
Introduction The novel “Invisible Man” was written by Ralph Ellison in the late 1940s. It is the only novel that is written by the author in his lifetime. The efforts of the author are recognized as his novel received the National Book Award in the year 1953. The novel was also ranked on ninetee ...
Working While Studying
Working while Studying Lucky are those people who have their parents to look after them. They enjoy numerous advantages as compared to those people who have to work full time along with their college to meet their expenses. People having their parents are very much free from stress. Their educa ...