Art In My Life

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Art In My Life

I learned my painting and drawing in China when I was young. I have always been inspired by art. I love to play around with colors and create different beautiful things from those colors. From a very early age I have been involved wit art in some way or the other and by the time I was nine years old I decided to pursue art as my career and I started work seriously on it.

My parents work very hard so that they can provide me with good education. It has been six years since we moved to the United States. I studied in the Community College in Queens. I want to apply to the school of my dreams FIT so that I can continue my studies in art and design and get a good job in future.

No one in particular has influenced me to study art or has influenced my decision to pursue a career in arts. It's the art and the colors and the things that they communicate to us, that inspire me and attract me towards art. Since I believe that everything is some form of any art, it was not difficult for me to find my inspirations.

Art, I believe is a reflection of ideas, emotions, society, thoughts and feelings. Art is every where and existed in every period. Even the ancient civilizations have clearly used art to communicate love, war, death, fear, evil etc. When we see ancient art, our senses automatically engage in depicting the cultures, stories, attitudes and societies behind that art. Different periods told different stories about their culture beliefs and society and it is no wonder that these are told through art since art is the best mode of expression and communication. It is because of art today that we are ...
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