Arguments On Gun Control

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Arguments on Gun Control

Arguments on Gun Control


Gun control is that law and policy which has been developed for the purpose of restricting the import, production, shipment, possession, use and sale of the firearms. There are variations in the laws and policies of gun control around the globe. There are strict gun control policies in United Kingdom. On the other hand, the gun control policies in United States are modest. Many people claim that the gun control policies are very effective and there should be a strict control on the implementation of these policies. On the other hand, a group of people thinks that the gun control policies are not so effective and there should be no strict policies on the firearms. Thus, the both sides provide their arguments on the issue of gun control. The main aim of this paper is to persuade against the policies of gun control. The paper is comprised of both the arguments in favor and against of the gun control policies.


It is so easy to understand that without guns or rifles, killing of criminals would have been much more difficult to consummate, which is sometimes hard to explain how it is possible that guns are legal in the largest and most powerful democracy in the world. But it is undeniable that easy access to firearms greatly facilitates this sinister task (Amo, 1989). The criminals have committed one of the latest killings with firearms that shook Americans, 14 Dead Colombine institute in 1999. With the use of firearms, criminals made the last great slaughter at a university, the 15 dead at the University of Texas in 1966. With firearms, occur almost daily acts of revenge or punishment in the workplace or at home. And with the use of guns each year more than 10,000 people die in the U.S., according to the latest official figures available. Almost half of American families keep in a closet one or more rifles or pistols with which protect against possible aggressors. One in three older Americans legally own a gun. All attempts by some politicians and some social activists to end this practice and eliminate or reduce arms sales have crashed with other politicians and activists who have more powerful and better supported arguments than they have prevented (Kates, 1984).

Possession of firearms is protected by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "A well regulated militia says that it is necessary to the security of a Free State, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be violated." Many see that phrase as a reference to the needs of the struggle for independence, non-extended timelessly. But the Supreme Court has never covered this interpretation and is, therefore, the basis on which groups act to defend the right to gun ownership. The first and most famous of these is the National Rifle Association (NRA, its acronym in English), one of the most influential lobbyists in the country. The NRA has contributed in the past 15 years with 14 million dollars ...
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