Argument Paper

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Argument Paper

Is the death penalty just and applied fairly?

Part One - Thesis Statement

“Death penalty - An unjust law, leading towards abolition of human protection rules and regulations (Harry, 2006).”

Part Two - Argument

Death penalty in US is applied in a very unjust manner. It is one of a law that is termed as an unjust law that purely hurts numerous areas as well. This law is termed to be an unjust law as stated in the thesis statement as well. Human protection based rules and regulations are also being hurt by this law and as it states, it is one of an unjust law that is generating other harmful affects as well (Harry, 2006).

This kind of punishment is totally cruel and unusual. It actually denies the court of law and along with this, equal protection and human rights based rules and regulations and totally abolished as well. In order to control crime numerous actions should be taken but, despite this those all actions should be first accepted by the courts of law and then should move further. Death penalty leads towards numerous harmful outcomes and it is totally against the equal protection based method. Resources are also not properly utilized by this method and along with this no proper symbol of sympathy is given to the victims.

Death penalty is termed an unjust act because victims are never satisfied by this law. According to them, death penalty is not a proper punishment and by this evil doers are not in danger at all. Despite all this, according to the courts of law, a well organized and maintained society will never favor this action because killing human beings is not in our practice. This is totally against the rules and regulation and therefore this method should not be adopted (David, 2005).

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