Argument Essay

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Argument Essay

Argument Essay


Thesis Statement:“Yesterday's cutting edge technology looks silly to today's children and much of today's technology will look silly to tomorrow's children” (Richmond and Douglas,2009).

It seems to be very complex to identify the fact that either the world today is a better place to survive or it was a better place fifty years back. No Doubt, in last few years, our world faced a revolutionary change because of the rapid technology advancement. If we compare the lifestyle of people living fifty years ago with today's life style, we will definitely observe a drastic and amazing change. Fifty years ago, life was quite simple but still difficult. But now with the inventions of advanced technologies, life has become much easier as compared to the past and the most significant roles are played by communication and transportation technologies that have shortened the long distances and changed the world into a global village.


There are two aspects of life style, one is based on modern living and the other is based on simple living. It is a long discussion that has many aspects to be argued.

Life in the current situation seems to very comfortable and easy, as most of the work is done with the help of scientific machineries and people do not have to work that much hard. They can save their time and can utilize that time in some other productive work. This automatically increases the rate of productivity and ultimately leads towards a progression path. Life is getting luxurious day by day. Now people do not have a limited offer but they can avail the facilities provided by the whole world irrespective of the boundaries and borders. Internet communication has made all its possible. Now distances do not matter, people can communicate with the whole world on their finger tips. They can easily exchange their views, carry out their business, talk to their loved ones, do shopping and can perform various activities worldwide through web which seemed to be impossible in the past.

Computers and cellular phones are considered to be the biggest inventions of this era. They have revolutionized the world. Various applications are offered by these devices. With signal system of cellular phones, messages can be sent within a few seconds anywhere in the world. People I that past era, felt pretty cool and exciting with their walkman in their teenage but contemporary teenagers can store a huge music collection in a device smaller than a match box and they don't have to turn over the tape over intermediate through a cassette.

The task of carrying heavy desktop computers has replaced with tablet computers, smart phones, I phones, and touch screen laptops that can be easily carried anywhere and through which the teenagers can easily accomplish his task by connecting to cloud storage database (Richmond and Douglas, 2009).

A very positive aspect of current world is that it has decreased the death rates and improved the quality of life with advancement in medical technology. Fifty years back, medical field was not equipped ...
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